It is capable of scaling based on changing the charge state, the total particle energy, the machine energy, the injection energy, and the terminal voltage.
Argument processing is done using Unix long argument syntax.
The values of all of the parameters listed here (whether or not they were supplied on the command line) may be printed on stderr when the program starts. See the "--verbose" argument.
The pathname to the database files
If the environment variables USER_TREE and CONF are both present they are used to compute the pathname of the files like this:
The name of the CONFLIST file to use to load the configuration
See the CONFIGURATION FILE section below.
The program name to use when parsing the CONFLIST file
default: DBscale
This argument is required when starting the program.
The pathname to the scaling environment file This file contains the settings
used by the last invocation of DBscale
If this file exists it is read by the program when it starts. When program settings are changed it is created or overwritten.
This argument is required when starting the program.
A file containing a list of AccelNET parameter names and values which are
to be scaled by the program
This argument is required when starting the program.
The file produced by the program which contains the list of new AccelNET
parameter names and values
This argument is required when starting the program.
0 - work silently
1 - print signon msg, option settings