The tables are loaded loaded locally into memory and the shared memory partition is used in read only mode to obtain pointer information and access to fields in other tables used by the program.
Updates to accelerator parameters is performed by writing messages to dbman. Information on the state of database parameters is processed from messages received from dbman.
See num_conf(5) for a description of the table format.
This program is a daemon and should NOT be started in the background.
provided it must include the
If no argument is provided the default level
is 1.
0 - work normally
1 - print various bits of information
Fast list adds and removes are not propagated by NUMmngr2.
For example, if you are using NUMmngr2 to scale a current read from a voltage read you can not pass a request (possibly by assigning to meter) to add the current read to the fast I/O list and have NUMmngr2 send the request onward to the I/O manager providing the I/O for the voltage read.