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MBreport - report limits/spans or mb/setinc values report generator


MBreport [type] < list_of_tuples > table_report


This program generates the limits report and the MB list report.

A set of SQL queries and other tools are used to extract the necessary information from the database and massage it into a form suitable for use with this program.

The input should contain one tuple per line. Lines are terminated by a newline. Fields within a tuple are separated by a |.

Type Argument

The following values are valid arguments for type.

generates the limits report.

generates MB list report.

tuple format

The following fields from the DescRec table are used and appear as input to this program in this order: Label, RefName, Llabel, LrefName, DataType, MBconvKey, MBsetIncKey, DRkey, SpanMin, SpanMax, PhyMin, PhyMax, M, B, IncVal, and Dcomm.

Manual page revision

$Id: MBreport.8,v 1.1 2000/11/02 14:25:45 kitchen Exp $

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