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ams_BMscale - scale a field strength


ams_BMscale <Imass> <Omass> <dbman_host>


The program reads stdin for a list of Label-RefName pairs which are assumed to control/read parameters.

A new value is calculated for the field strength from Imass and Omass and written back to the database.

The formula is: Vnew = sqrt(Omass/Imass) * Vold

This is suitable for simple scaling of magnetic components.


Imass - required

The starting mass.
Omass - required

The ending mass.
dbman_host - required

The host where dbman(8) is running.

File Format

Each entry in the file contains two sets of parameters. The first pair of fields is the parameter to read the field strength from. The second pair is the parameter to write the new value to.

HPB 01-1|MfieldR |BM 01-1|MfieldC |
HPB 03-1|MfieldR |BM 03-1|MfieldC |


ams_BMscale 12 13 csdev1 < par_value_list
Scale the magnets for 13C assuming they are presently scaled for 12C.


The program registers with dbman(8) as dbmod.

Manual page revision

$Id: ams_BMscale.1,v 1.2 2003/04/24 17:30:37 kitchen Exp $

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