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group3task - group3 I/O service


group3task <arguments>


I/O service for a Group3 system.

The program registers with dbman as "G3task".


Argument processing is done using Unix long argument syntax.

--dbman_host <hn>

The host where dbman is running.

--drv <key>

Select the DrvKey to use when retrieving DATA records.

--dev <pn>

Which device to open. Valid devices presently are /dev/camac or /dev/group3. If nothing is specified /dev/camac is used.


If this argument is present stdin and stdout are are left open and the program may be killed by SIGINT.


Print the help message to stderr and exit.

System initialization and database search and load

The initialization is complicated and needs to have detailed description written for it.

Configuration DrvKey and DevKey mapping

GRP3_1 maps to G3conf_1
GRP3_2 maps to G3conf_2
GRP3_3 maps to G3conf_3
GRP3_4 maps to G3conf_4
GRP3_5 maps to G3conf_5
GRP3_6 maps to G3conf_6

Group 3 Devices

C is the Group3 DI address.
N is the card number within a Group3 DI box.
ChNo is the channel number within a Group3 I/O card.

type A - fast analog and digital I/O board

Support is not completed for this board.

type B - 24 bit digital I/O board

This module requires one or two DATA records depending on the usage. The card has an open collector output with pullup resisters. The status of all lines on the card are monitored. Any line may be pulled low by an outside source or by asserting the appropriate bit in the output word.
Digital Input

ChNo 0 is used for digital inputs.
DATA.DTkey should be set to U.
Digital Output

ChNo 1 is used for digital outputs.
DATA.DTkey should be set to U.

type C - 8 input analog I/O board

ChNo should be in the range 0-7 where the channel number corresponds to the ADC channel.

DATA.DTkey should be set to U.

The data range is 0 to 64000 when the card is configured for unipolar operation.

The data range is -32000 to 32000 when the card is configured for bipolar operation.

This device has the property (using -10v -->10v as an example) that -32000 --> 32000 corresponds to -10v --> 10v. The actual binary range is -32768 --> 32768 (-10.24v --> 10.24v) rather than the expected range -32768 --> 32767 (-10.24 --> 10.23).

When adding parameters to the AccelNET database this should be taken into account and SpanMin and SpanMax should be set accordingly.

type D - 8 output analog I/O board

ChNo should be in the range 0-7 where the channel number corresponds to the ADC channel.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

The data range is 0 to 16000 when the card is configured for unipolar operation.

The data range is -8000 to 8000 when the card is configured for bipolar operation.

This device has the property (using -10v -->10v as an example) that -8000 --> 8000 corresponds to -10v --> 10v. The actual binary range is -8191 --> 8191 (-10.23875v --> 10.23875v) rather than the expected range -8192 --> 8191 (-10.24 --> 10.23).

When adding parameters to the AccelNET database this should be taken into account and SpanMin and SpanMax should be set accordingly.

This device has the peculiar problem that when sending bipolar values to it that it wants the binary value sign extended to 16 bits even though the manual says that it is a 14 bit device. That is why DATA.DTkey is set to F. It simply makes processing the data much easier.

type E - 4 chan DC motor driver board

Direction control

DATA.DTkey should be set to U for all records in this group.

0 - off
1 - fwd
2 - reverse
3 - stopped with windings shorted

ChNo 0 - motor #1
ChNo 10 - motor #2
ChNo 20 - motor #3
ChNo 30 - motor #4

Speed control

DATA.DTkey should be set to F for all records in this group.

The data range is 0 to 255.

ChNo 1 - motor #1
ChNo 11 - motor #2
ChNo 21 - motor #3
ChNo 31 - motor #4

Acceleration control

DATA.DTkey should be set to F for all records in this group.

The data range is 0 to 255.

ChNo 2 - motor #1
ChNo 12 - motor #2
ChNo 22 - motor #3
ChNo 32 - motor #4

type F - 2 chan serial communications board

Presently not supported.

type G - 4 chan stepper motor board

Presently not supported.

type H - 4 chan encoder board

Presently not supported.

type J - 2 chan precision analog output board

Presently not supported.

type K - GPIB/IEEE488 controller board

Presently not supported.

Kitchen buss over Group 3

Kitchen buss over Group 3 uses a Group3 type B board. Kitchen buss peripherals may be connected to this board and their addresses set as usual.

The type B board should be configured to give the board low true inputs and outputs.

C is used to specify the kitchen buss board address.

N and ChNo are used to access individual resources on the board.

The following kitchen buss devices are supported.

Kitchen buss adc

This is a place holder for future expansion. No code has been written for it.

Kitchen buss dac

This supports a DAC channel of the type used in the Assignable Control/Display.

DATA.DTkey should be set to U for all records in this group.

Kitchen buss status control

This supports status control outputs of the type used in the Assignable Control/Display.

DATA.DTkey should be set to U for all records in this group.

Kitchen buss status read

This supports status control inputs of the type used in the Assignable Control/Display.

DATA.DTkey should be set to U for all records in this group.

Kitchen buss shaft encoder

This supports shaft encoders of the type used in the Assignable Control/Display.

DATA.DTkey should be set to U for all records in this group.

MBS electronics

The following DevKeys are supported:

I/O polling rates

Polling is normally performed at 1Hz. Faster polling is performed at 10hz intervals.


group3task csdev1 GRP3_C1 /dev/group3
group3task csdev1 CAMAC /dev/camac


This manual page isn’t even close to adequate yet.

Manual page revision

$Id: group3task.8,v 1.6 2008/04/10 16:34:31 kitchen Exp $

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